"It was a cold night. Bitter, raw north winds swept the stark slopes. The men, heated by their energetic and exciting work, felt keenly the chilling change. Many of them had neither overcoat nor blanket, having left them with the discarded knapsacks. They roamed about to find some garment not needed by the dead. Mounted officers all lacked outer covering. This had gone back with the horses, strapped to the saddles. So we joined the uncanny quest. Necessity compels strange uses. For myself it seemed best to bestow my body between two dead men among the many left there by earlier assaults, and to draw another crosswise for a pillow out of the trampled, blood-soaked sod, pulling the flap of his coat over my face to fend off the chilling winds..."
Early Life
American Civil War Story of Joshua Chamberlain
Storytelling Resources:
American History
Voices of the American Revolution by Kendall haven. 2000.
Tales as Tools: The Power of Story in the Classroom (National Storytelling Association)
Making Social Studies Come Alive! 65 Classroom-Tested Activities and Projects