1. Try to place students in groups of 4 - 5 in which one person is the leader making sure everyone has a chance to tell their story. If you have sponsors, they can help monitor the groups.
2. One student at a time tells their story standing up in front of the group, trying out their eye contact with everyone in that group.
3. The listeners have been asked to applaud the teller when done but also to have listened to give out affirmations and tips to make the story even better. No negative comments allowed.
4. When each group has completed telling their tales, either with their bare bone index cards or not, then one student from each group is nominated to tell in front of the entire club - totally voluntary.
Our 2nd meeting, most of the students did not feel confident telling their stories without their index card. I had to remind the kids that practicing their stories is very important - it's like smoothing a rough rock in a river. The more you practice a story you love, the smooooother it becomes.
We had downloaded the free app called Voice Record Pro (but there are so many others that are also free- you choose) onto our ipads. This particular app is very easy to use, press the REC button to begin recording, the square button to stop, and the arrow button to play. The student tellers were elated and horrified at the same time to hear their own voices tell the story. We talked about how important our voices are when we are storytelling. It's important to vary our "tone" of our voice, to be quiet at times, to shout at times, and to be silent at times - pretty powerful stuff.
Here's the app information if you are interested in trying it out:
Description Voice Record Pro is a professional voice recorder. It allows you to record voice memos and on-site sounds at unlimited length with configurable quality.
Recorded voices are in standard AAC/MP4/M4A format. They can be converted to MP3 and can be saved in various places like:
- Export to and import from Google Drive™
- Export to and import from DropBox
- Export to and import from Microsoft® SkyDrive
- Export to SoundCloud
- Export to FTP server
- Send to other devices via Bluetooth
- Download directly to PC using built-in web server via local WiFi connection
- Convert to a movie clip and export to Photo Albums
- Post as a Movie Clip on Facebook
- Export to other apps on your device that can handle the audio file
- Import from other apps
- Send Audio or Movie by email
- Add notes to records
- Add photo to records
- Add bookmarks to record
Description Voice Record Pro is a professional voice recorder. It allows you to record voice memos and on-site sounds at unlimited length with configurable quality.
Recorded voices are in standard AAC/MP4/M4A format. They can be converted to MP3 and can be saved in various places like:
- Export to and import from Google Drive™
- Export to and import from DropBox
- Export to and import from Microsoft® SkyDrive
- Export to SoundCloud
- Export to FTP server
- Send to other devices via Bluetooth
- Download directly to PC using built-in web server via local WiFi connection
- Convert to a movie clip and export to Photo Albums
- Post as a Movie Clip on Facebook
- Export to other apps on your device that can handle the audio file
- Import from other apps
- Send Audio or Movie by email
- Add notes to records
- Add photo to records
- Add bookmarks to records