Well, that sounds real good and makes total sense, and actually works for a handful of my students; but, there's that other group of kids that just don't dive into the tale hook, line and sinker. I thought about my own two boys and knew they could listen, over, and over again to stories I told them. They also LOVED to listen to certain storytellers on "cassette tapes" and DVD's. Those aural listeners are in my club also so why not offer other tales that are out there on podcasts and streaming from You Tube.
Homework: Use the list I provided of tales that I found to be wonderful for 2nd - 5th graders or ask Mom or Dad to tell a tale you'd like to listen to and then try out ourself. Can't wait to see if this works! The students are to place the story they chose to listen to (at least a few times) on a bare bones index card so the story will always be with them.
I've attached my list below. Fingers are crossed!