Here comes the fun part! Once everyone recalls the barebones of the tale, I ask the kids to draw the three bowls of porridge (oatmeal) in their writing notebooks as their graphic organizers. I ask "Why did Goldilocks say the large bowl was too hot? What made it hot? Here, I use the protocol "TIPS" aka Think, Ink, Pair, Share. All the kids think (no talking), and then jot down their own ideas to answer my question. Next, they pair-share with their partner. At this point, they are encouraged to add any new ideas that their partner talked about to there own. Now, as a large group, I ask for partners who loved their ideas to share out to the entire group. It's pretty amazing what happens. I write down what is said on my projected iPad or large white board so all can see. Great vocabulary comes out - verbs, nouns, and adjectives.
Typically the elements of each bowl of porridge is detailed (heat hot, freezing cold, and perfectly warm). So, I guide there thoughts to ingredients that might have added to Goldilock's comments. Too hot could have meant Ghost peppers, cayenne peppers, jalepeno peppers, etc. The kids go crazy over this for each bowl. The graphic organizers are filled with ideas contributing to each bowl of porridge. I believe the favorite ones are Pappa Bear's and Baby' Bear's bowls. What would the most perfect bowl of porridge have in it? Well, it's been reported that cinnamon sugar, banana pieces, chocolate chips, topped with whipped cream, coconut shreds and a you guessed it - cherry on top!!
Finally piece - Everyone pretends to be Goldilocks/Guido and spouts out the details of each bowl with pazzaz! So much fun! We then write down in sentences that piece of the folktale!
More?? Sure! Have the kids move on to the chairs and the beds of course!
By the end of the week, you should have whoppers of tales!